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The Dalwick Demon by Ashley Bennett

Queen B’s Decree: The Dalwick Demon was originally featured in a Monsters in Love Anthology and was restructured as a novella, but it still is a relatively quick and short read.

It suffers a bit, like all novellas do, from the minimal character and relationship development. But for a short story? It’s fun and spicy. With magic, all things are possible, so I have no issues believing that a demon and the human he’s helping create a bond quickly. I mean, I’d create a quick bond with such a sweet guy (who also has two dicks *wink wink*).

I love the sweet vibe and will happily read more.

Book: The Dalwick Demon by Ashley Bennett
Series: standalone
Genre: Paranormal
Hotness: hot salsa
Plot Devices/Tropes: monster, novella

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