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The Kiss Thief by LJ Shen

The Queens weigh how much bully behavior can be forgiven

Oh my goodness, this contemporary romance new release was an adventure. Teased for months, first the concept, then the TKT code name, then the title, then the cover and now finally we have the book. Finally. With such crazy hype it felt like there is a narrow margin for this book to live up to it. So when we received notification that we were selected for an ARC review we gasped with joy, but we were also nervous.

Summary: Mafia Princess gets forced to marry an asshole politician instead of her childhood love in order to clear her father’s debts. Her father is also an asshole. Francesca and Wolfe hate each other and spend a lot of energy demonstrating that to each other. Somehow they stop. The end.

Queen Jenn’s Decree: The Kiss Thief is a solid book, but it didn’t exceed the hype. We found this book provoked some great conversation on what we love and hate from main characters. It is essentially a bully trope book, a trope that I adore and Queen B hates. The summary makes it sound like it is a love triangle. I HATE LOVE TRIANGLES. However this plot thread ended up working for me because it was not the kind of love triangle where all sides were equal resulting in a lot of stress and feelings of betrayal. LJ Shen is a great author. Both of us have 5 starred several of her books. She always has great dialogue and pacing. If you like bully tropes or those lovable alpha holes definitely give it a try.

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