Read. Reign. Repeat.

Secretly Yours by Tessa Bailey

Queen B’s Decree: I actually didn’t really enjoy the FMC, Hallie. She just seemed like a bit of a mess (which fits with the series title, I suppose)—she’s floundering in her job after her grandmother passed, she’s still stuck on this crush she’s had since she was 14, and she’s still a virgin…at nearly 30. While I understand why she’s held onto this crush for so long (because Julian is bae), her holding everyone up to a standard of a boy she interacted with ONCE when she was 14 felt a little creepy to me.

But Julian? He was the star of Secretly Yours. He’s an uptight (grumpy, if you will) professor who is taking a sabbatical to write a book. He clearly has anxiety, maybe some OCD, but he can’t resist Hallie, even if she throws him off his schedule. I loved him.

When she isn’t smiling, the world becomes a terrible place.

Can you resist a man who just wants to make you happy all the time? I can’t.

So Secretly Yours was still a really enjoyable read for me, despite the fact that Hallie wasn’t as likable or relatable as hoped. But her interactions with Julian were adorable and sweet, and when that man turns into a dirty talking king? I’m dead.

I have high hopes for Unfortunately Yours, as I can already see the sparks flying!

Book: Secretly Yours by Tessa Bailey
Series: A Vine Mess #1
Genre: Contemporary
Hotness: medium salsa
Plot Devices/Tropes: grumpy/sunshine

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