Read. Reign. Repeat.

Until Series Binge by Aurora Rose Reynolds

I’ve known about Aurora Rose Reynolds for a while now, but for some reason I hadn’t opened up any of her books (but of course I owned them, go figure). So I Russian rouletted my calibre library and came upon Until November. One chapter in and I was hooked. And the next 48 hours meant very little sleeping and a lot of reading, as I HAD TO finish the rest of the series.

And thus, this binge review was born.

Until November #1 – Some pretty fantastic alpha male, possessive bullshit goes on. Asher (and we’ll learn all of his brothers are the same) are essentially the town manwhores who have always been told of the family tradition of the “boom” which is love at first sight. This shit is my bread and butter. November was his quirky heroine who was a lot of fun to read about.

Until Trevor #2 – I didn’t like Trevor as much. He’s kind of an idiot. He is frightened by his feelings for Liz and basically drops her, even though they were initially just friends. He seems like the kind of misogynist that thinks men and women can’t be friends…because he can’t ignore his “friend’s” breasts and vagina!?! The dirty talk and sex is still worth a read, regardless of the annoying parts of the story.

Until Lilly #3 – I knew going into Cash’s story that I would be angry with the outcome. One of my pet-peeve tropes is “I had sex with a one-night-stand/FWB/etc and now they are my baby mama and oops it happened RIGHT before I met the love of my life” and Until Lilly was ALL ABOUT THIS BULLSHIT. So no, nothing could save this book for me. Because I needed some major groveling, some sincere apologies and regrets and none were to be found.

Until Nico #4 – Nico saved the series for me. Nico was the typical ARR hero: possessive, overprotective alpha male, with a dirty talking vibe. And Sophie was the type of heroine that needs to be protected, so it worked well. Well written smutty scenes with some suspense thrown in to make it interesting. Plus a nice extended epilogue that sets up the scene for the spinoff series.

And there you have it, folks. I’m taking a break before I jump into the spinoff series…keep an eye out (or remind me so I don’t forget) for the rest!

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