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Releasing Keanu by Siobhan Davis

Queen B’s Decree: This book was heavy. I was definitely not expected the angst, depth of emotion, or pain I experienced while reading Releasing Keanu.

Without giving anything away (as I do think reading without hints of spoilers is best), I can safely say that Keanu has turned into my favorite Kennedy brother. His maturity, his protectiveness, the patient and kind love he had for Selena; all things that tugged at my heart strings.

Selena was a strong Heroine. She worked through her problems, wasn’t afraid to ask for help, and fought hard for her independence. Her interactions with Keanu were beautiful to read.

One of the best parts of Releasing Keanu was getting to see another side of Kent. I had honestly thought he might have been beyond redemption, but his sweetness gets highlighted here.

Only two brothers left! Can’t wait to see what Siobhan Davis comes up with!

Book: Releasing Keanu by Siobhan Davis
Series: The Kennedy Boys #8
Genre: New Adult/Wealth Adult
Hotness: medium salsa
Plot Devices/Tropes: second chance, also trigger warning central here

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